
Presentation Design for Professional Trainers (Part 2)

Webinar (Zoom)

Professional trainers! Are you making the most of your presentation slides? Many presenters are only scratching the surface. Let's fix that! Welcome to Presentation Design, Part 2.


TN Enhanced Handgun Permit Class

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

This is the eight-hour firearm safety course required by the State of Tennessee to qualify for an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit.


Permiso de Portar Arma

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Entonces, ¿quieres obtener tu Permiso de Porte Oculto? ¡Estás en el lugar correcto! Este curso de seguridad de tres horas cumple con los re


OC Spray and Street Encounter Skills (Chuck Haggard)

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

So you think using pepper spray is as easy as pointing and pressing a button? In this three-hour seminar, Chuck Haggard of Agile Training and Consulting separates fact from fiction when it comes to this and other non-lethal defensive tools and de-escalation strategies.


OC Spray: Instructor Certification Course (Chuck Haggard)

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

In this instructor certification course, guest trainer Chuck Haggard of Agile Training and Consulting will teach aspiring instructors the knowledge and skills needed to offer basic pepper spray classes to private citizens (non-law enforcement).


Agile Tactical Pistol (Chuck Haggard)

Outpost Armory Range 1132 Beasie Road, Murfreesboro, United States

In this defensive handgun course, guest instructor Chuck Haggard of Agile Training and Consulting will teach the unique skills and tactics required to prevail in a defensive encounter.


Crime & Criminals: Risks & Mitigations (Webinar by John Hearne)

CSA Online Webinar Web link will be provided to all registered attendees before the event

Join us for an online webinar with John Hearne of Two Pillars Training to discuss the realities of crime, criminals, and victimization so you can find out if your personal safety measures are empirically justified or just plain paranoid.


TN Enhanced Handgun Permit Class

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

This is the eight-hour firearm safety course required by the State of Tennessee to qualify for an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit.


CSA Gateway Instructor Certification Course (Slidell, LA)

FITS Indoor Range 3191 Terrance Ave Ste A, Slidell, LA, United States

CSA's Gateway Instructor Certification course introduces firearms trainers to the the basic skills and principles necessary to successfully teach entry-level defensive firearms skills to new shooters and shooters who face physical or psychological obstacles to training.


How To Shoot A Handgun

Citizens Safety Academy 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN, United States

You've never shot a handgun before, or you did a very long time ago and you'd like to learn how? This is the class for you. Designed for people with very little or no experience with firearms, How To Shoot A Handgun will introduce you to basic shooting skills in a patient, non-intimidating, low-pressure environment. Sign up and come learn a lot have a good time!


752 E. Northfield Boulevard
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 801-8007

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